Issue no. 1-2 Table of Contents
Support critique d'un graphe indécomposable
[Critical support of an indecomposable graph]
Théorie des nombres
Une remarque sur le spectre des nombres de Pisot
[A remark on the spectra of Pisot numbers]
Théorie des groupes
Mesures stationnaires et fermés invariants des espaces homogènes
[Stationary measures and invariant subsets of homogeneous spaces]
Group Theory/Algebra
Irreducibility of the Lawrence–Krammer representation of the BMW algebra of type
Mathematical Analysis
Extension to BV functions of the large deformation diffeomorphisms matching approach
Équations aux dérivées partielles
Étude d'un système non linéaire de Boussinesq–Stefan
[Study of a nonlinear Boussinesq–Stefan system with second member having a growth]
Partial Differential Equations
Global Cauchy problems for hyperbolic systems with characteristics admitting superlinear growth for
Majoration du noyau de la chaleur en environnement stationnaire de conductances
[Heat kernel decay on a stationary environment of conductances]
-invariance faible et isovariance en planification expérimentale
[Rotatable designs and -weakly invariant designs]
Analyse numérique
Un schéma linéaire vérifiant le principe du maximum pour des opérateurs de diffusion très anisotropes sur des maillages déformés
[A linear scheme satisfying a maximum principle for anisotropic diffusion operators on distorted grids]
Issue no. 3-4 Table of Contents
Théorie des nombres
Répartition galoisienne d'une classe d'isogénie de courbes elliptiques
[Hyperbolic Galois distribution of an isogeny class of elliptic curves]
Équations différentielles
Forme normale de perturbation de champs de vecteurs quasi-homogènes
[Normal form of perturbations of quasihomogeneous vector fields]
Partial Differential Equations
Carleman estimates and null controllability for boundary-degenerate parabolic operators
Partial Differential Equations
On trichotomy of positive singular solutions associated with the Hardy–Sobolev operator
Partial Differential Equations
Local smoothing effects for the water-wave problem with surface tension
Partial Differential Equations
Boundedness of the negative part of biharmonic Green's functions under Dirichlet boundary conditions in general domains
Ajustement polynomial local de la fonction d'égalisation équipercentile : convergence uniforme presque sûre
[Local polynomial fitting of the equipercentile equating function: strong uniform consistency]
Mathematical Problems in Mechanics/Calculus of Variations
A nonlinear theory for shells with slowly varying thickness
Issue no. 5-6 Table of Contents
Partial Differential Equations/Mathematical Problems in Mechanics
Time-homogenization of a first order system arising in the modelling of the dynamics of dislocation densities
Partial Differential Equations
Finite time blow-up for radially symmetric solutions to a critical quasilinear Smoluchowski–Poisson system
Partial Differential Equations
Scattering for small energy solutions of NLS with periodic potential in 1D
Partial Differential Equations
Weak solutions for immiscible compressible multifluid flows in porous media
Partial Differential Equations
versus local minimizers for elliptic functionals with critical growth in
Partial Differential Equations
Riemann–Hilbert formulation for the KdV equation on a finite interval
Géométrie algébrique
Nombres de Betti des fibres de Springer de type A
[Betti numbers of Springer fibers in type A]
Propriétés probabilistes des processus GARCH périodiques
[Probabilistic properties of periodic GARCH processes]
Sur une famille paramétrique d'estimateurs séquentiels de la densité pour un processus fortement mélangeant
[On a parametric family of sequential estimators of the density for a strong mixing process]
Sur l'identification d'un processus de branchement surcritique
[On the identification of a supercritical branching process]
Mathematical Problems in Mechanics
Some relaxation results for functionals depending on constrained strain and chemical composition
Issue no. 7-8 Table of Contents
Théorie des nombres/Analyse complexe
Sur l'infimum des parties réelles des zéros des sommes partielles de la fonction zêta de Riemann
[About the infimum of the real parts of the zeros of the partial sums of the Riemann Zeta function]
Ordinary Differential Equations
Existence of periodic solutions of a ordinary differential equation perturbed by a small parameter: An averaging approach
Partial Differential Equations
Non-existence for travelling waves with small energy for the Gross–Pitaevskii equation in dimension
Variance limite d'une marche aléatoire réversible en milieu aléatoire sur
[Limit of the variance of a reversible random walk in random medium on ]
Produits tensoriels de processus ARMA fonctionnels
[Tensorial products of functional ARMA processes]
Statistique/Systèmes dynamiques
Estimation de facteurs de Bayes entre modèles dynamiques non linéaires à espace d'état
[Bayes factor estimation for nonlinear dynamic state space models]
Analyse numérique/Équations aux dérivées partielles
Une méthode combinée d'éléments finis à deux grilles/bases réduites pour l'approximation des solutions d'une E.D.P. paramétrique
[A two-grid finite-element/reduced basis scheme for the approximation of the solution of parametric dependent P.D.E]
Problèmes mathématiques de la mécanique
Simulations de l'écoulement turbulent marin avec un modèle de déconvolution
[Simulations of turbulent ocean flow using a deconvolution model]
Problèmes mathématiques de la mécanique
Équilibre d'un solide élastique en grandes déformations
[Equilibrium positions of a solid in large deformations]
Issue no. 9-10 Table of Contents
Algebra/Algebraic Geometry
Note on Diophantine inequality and Linear Artin Approximation over a local ring
Partial Differential Equations/Optimal Control
Missing boundary data reconstruction by the factorization method
Partial Differential Equations/Optimal Control
Uniform observability estimates for the 1-D discretized wave equation and the random choice method
Partial Differential Equations/Mathematical Physics
Hypocoercivity for kinetic equations with linear relaxation terms
Partial Differential Equations/Harmonic Analysis
Boundedness of the gradient of a solution to the Neumann–Laplace problem in a convex domain
Partial Differential Equations
A model of multiphase flow and transport in porous media applied to gas migration in underground nuclear waste repository
Partial Differential Equations/Probability Theory
Sobolev weak solutions for parabolic PDEs and FBSDEs
Harmonic Analysis/Functional Analysis
Bellman function and bilinear embedding theorem for Schrödinger-type operators
Mathematical Physics/Partial Differential Equations
Homogenization of the 3D Maxwell system near resonances and artificial magnetism
Mathematical Problems in Mechanics
A generalization of the classical Cesàro–Volterra path integral formula
Issue no. 11-12 Table of Contents
Théorie des nombres/Géométrie algébrique
Hauteur des sous-schémas toriques et dualité de Legendre–Fenchel
[Height of toric subschemes and Legendre–Fenchel duality]
Algèbre homologique/Topologie
Résolution de certains modules instables et fonction de partition de Minc
[Resolutions of certain unstable modules and Minc's partition function]
Analyse mathématique
Transformée en échelle de signaux stationnaires
[Scale transform of discrete stationary signals]
Partial Differential Equations
On the regularity of the solutions to the 3D Navier–Stokes equations: a remark on the role of the helicity
Partial Differential Equations
Some inverse stability results for the bistable reaction–diffusion equation using Carleman inequalities
Équations aux dérivées partielles
Nouveaux résultats pour les équations de la neutronique
[New results for neutronic equations]
Géométrie algébrique
Composantes singulières des fibres de Springer dans le cas deux-colonnes
[Singular components of Springer fibers in the two-column case]
Differential Geometry
Minimizers of Kirchhoff's plate functional: Euler–Lagrange equations and regularity
Probability Theory/Statistics
Application of Malliavin calculus to long-memory parameter estimation for non-Gaussian processes
Mathematical Problems in Mechanics
The pure displacement problem in nonlinear three-dimensional elasticity: intrinsic formulation and existence theorems
Mathematical Problems in Mechanics
The Navier–Stokes equations with Navier's boundary condition around moving bodies in presence of collisions
Théorie des jeux
Une preuve alternative de l'existence d'un équilibre de Nash dans les jeux discontinus
[Existence of the Nash equilibrium in discontinuous games]
Issue no. 13-14 Table of Contents
Théorie des nombres
Torsion des modules de Drinfeld de rang 2 et formes modulaires de Drinfeld
[Torsion of rank-2 Drinfeld modules and Drinfeld modular forms]
Algèbre homologique
Construction fonctorielle de catégories de Frobenius
[Functorial construction of Frobenius categories]
Théorie des groupes/Équations aux dérivées partielles
Équation des ondes sur les espaces symétriques riemanniens
[Wave equation on Riemannian symmetric spaces]
Analyse mathématique
Un algorithme de Schur pour les fonctions de transfert des systèmes surdéterminés invariants dans une direction
[A Schur algorithm for transfer function of over-determined conservative systems, invariant in one direction]
Analyse complexe/Physique mathématique
Entre analyse complexe et superanalyse
[Midway between complex analysis and superanalysis]
Partial Differential Equations
Regularity of solutions for the Boltzmann equation without angular cutoff
Partial Differential Equations/Probability Theory
Zero-noise solutions of linear transport equations without uniqueness: an example
Partial Differential Equations
Nodal line structure of least energy nodal solutions for Lane–Emden problems
Partial Differential Equations
Pathological solutions to elliptic problems in divergence form with continuous coefficients
Partial Differential Equations/Optimal Control
Uniform null controllability of the heat equation with rapidly oscillating periodic density
Analyse fonctionnelle
Interpolation avec contraintes sur des ensembles finis du disque
[Interpolation with constraints on the finite sets of the disc]
Differential Geometry/Mathematical Physics
Uniform bound and a non-existence result for Lichnerowicz equation in the whole n-space
Physique Mathématique
Estimation semi-classique du courant quantique en présence d'un grand champ magnétique variable
[Semiclassical estimate of the quantum current in the presence of a strong non-homogeneous magnetic field]
Issue no. 15-16 Table of Contents
Isomorphie héréditaire et -hypomorphie pour les tournois
[Hereditary isomorphy and -hypomorphy for tournaments]
Théorie des nombres
Sur les symboles modulaires de Manin–Teitelbaum pour
[On Manin–Teitelbaum modular symbols for ]
Partial Differential Equations/Optimal Control
A general method for proving sharp energy decay rates for memory-dissipative evolution equations
Partial Differential Equations/Functional Analysis
Geometry of Sobolev spaces with variable exponent: smoothness and uniform convexity
Équations aux dérivées partielles
Modèle asymptotique pour une jonction fleuve–océan
[Asymptotical model of a river–ocean junction]
Partial Differential Equations/Numerical Analysis
On the preconditioned conjugate gradient solution of a Stokes problem with Robin-type boundary conditions
Partial Differential Equations
Self-similar solutions with fat tails for a coagulation equation with nonlocal drift
Partial Differential Equations
Existence and concentration for nonlinear Schrödinger equations with fast decaying potentials
Partial Differential Equations/Optimal Control
A numerical study of the null boundary controllability of a convection diffusion equation
Analyse fonctionnelle
Une amélioration d'un résultat de E.B. Davies et B. Simon
[Sharpening a result by E.B. Davies and B. Simon]
Géométrie algébrique
L'intégrabilité du réseau de 2-Toda sur et sa généralisation aux algèbres de Lie semi-simples
[The integrability of the 2-Toda lattice on and its generalization to semi-simple Lie algebras]
Mathematical Problems in Mechanics
A new variational approach to the stability of gravitational systems
Issue no. 17-18 Table of Contents
Algebra/Functional Analysis
A new characterisation of idempotent states on finite and compact quantum groups
Équations aux dérivées partielles
Analyse de l'espace des phases et calcul pseudo-differential sur le groupe de Heisenberg
[Phase-space analysis and pseudo-differential calculus on the Heisenberg group]
Partial Differential Equations
Uniqueness of unbounded solutions of the Lagrangian mean curvature flow equation for graphs
Équations aux dérivées partielles/Physique mathématique
Solutions polyhomogènes des équations d'ondes quasi-linéaires
[Polyhomogeneous solutions of quasi-linear wave equations]
Équations aux dérivées partielles
Solutions entières d'équations hessiennes dans
[Entire solutions of Hessian equations in ]
Differential Geometry/Mathematical Physics
There are no conformal Einstein rescalings of complete pseudo-Riemannian Einstein metrics
Estimation non paramétrique de quantiles conditionnels pour des variables fonctionnelles spatialement dépendantes
[Nonparametric estimation of conditional quantiles for functional and spatial dependent variables]
Mathematical Physics/Mathematical Problems in Mechanics
Nonlocal orientation-dependent dynamics of charged strands and ribbons
Mathematical Problems in Mechanics/Calculus of Variations
Decomposition of shell deformations – Asymptotic behavior of the Green–St Venant strain tensor
Issue no. 19-20 Table of Contents
Algèbre homologique/Géométrie algébrique
Un isomorphisme de type Deligne–Riemann–Roch
[An isomorphism of the Deligne–Riemann–Roch type]
Équations différentielles
Théorème de Poincaré–Lyapunov et conditions nécessaires d'existence d'un centre
[About the Poincaré–Lyapunov theorem and necessary conditions for the existence of a center]
Partial Differential Equations/Numerical Analysis
Convergence of semi-discrete approximations of Benney equations
Partial Differential Equations/Mathematical Problems in Mechanics
On viscosity-continuous solutions of the Euler and Navier–Stokes equations with a Navier-type boundary condition
Partial Differential Equations/Numerical Analysis
Asymptotic expansions of the eigenvalues of a 2-D boundary-value problem relative to two cavities linked by a hole of small size
Partial Differential Equations/Optimal Control
Exact reachability for second-order integro-differential equations
Partial Differential Equations/Topology
Tangent unit-vector fields: Nonabelian homotopy invariants and the Dirichlet energy
Partial Differential Equations
Alexandroff–Bakelman–Pucci estimate for singular or degenerate fully nonlinear elliptic equations
Géométrie analytique/Géométrie différentielle
Une caractérisation des variétés complexes compactes parallélisables admettant des structures affines
[On complex compact parallelizable manifolds admitting affine structures]
Géométrie différentielle
Laplacien hypoelliptique et intégrales orbitales
[Hypoelliptic Laplacian and orbital integrals]
Géométrie différentielle
Une nouvelle caractérisation des sphères géodésiques dans les espaces modèles
[A new characterization of geodesic spheres in space forms]
Probability Theory/Mathematical Analysis
The explicit characterization of coefficients of a.e. convergent orthogonal series
Issue no. 21-22 Table of Contents
Théorie des nombres
Quelques endomorphismes continus des suites P-récursives
[Some continuous endomorphisms of P-recursives sequences]
Ordinary Differential Equations
Existence of local solutions for the Boltzmann equation without angular cutoff
Analyse fonctionnelle
Unicité des pré-générateurs dans les espaces localement convexes
[Uniqueness of pre-generators on locally convex spaces]
Géométrie différentielle
Caractérisation et existence de structures de Dirac multiplicatives
[Characterization and existence of multiplicative Dirac structures]
Dynamical Systems/Mathematical Problems in Mechanics
Stability of relative equilibria and Morse index of central configurations
Mathematical Problems in Mechanics
Radiation condition and uniqueness for the outgoing elastic wave in a half-plane with free boundary
Issue no. 23-24 Table of Contents
Algèbre/Analyse numérique
Une borne effective sur l'écart entre le polytope de contrôle et le graphe d'un polynôme réel sur un simplexe
[An effective bound on the gap between the control polytope and the graph of a real polynomial on a simplex]
Équations aux dérivées partielles
Propagation de fronts dans les équations de Fisher–KPP avec diffusion fractionnaire
[Front propagation in Fisher–KPP equations with fractional diffusion]
Équations aux dérivées partielles
Un résultat de stabilité pour la récupération d'un paramètre du système de la viscoélasticité 3D
[A stability result for the recovery of a 3D viscoelasticity system coefficient]
Partial Differential Equations/Optimal Control
On the local controllability of a class of multidimensional quasilinear parabolic equations
Systèmes dynamiques
Intégrabilité algébrique du réseau de Toda
[Algebraic integrability of the Toda lattice]
Statistics/Probability Theory
Testing for equality of means of a Hilbert space valued random variable
Mathematical Problems in Mechanics
A two-scale model for the wave equation with oscillating coefficients and data