Issue no. 1-2 Table of Contents
Partial Differential Equations
Multiple symmetric solutions for a Neumann problem with lack of compactness
Équations aux dérivées partielles
Un résultat de compacité sur la densité dans les équations de Navier–Stokes compressibles en domaine variable
[A compactness result about density in compressible Navier–Stokes equations in variable domain]
Partial Differential Equations/Numerical Analysis
Error estimate for a 1D–2D finite volume scheme. Comparison with a standard scheme on a 2D non-admissible mesh
Partial Differential Equations/Functional Analysis
An explicit counterexample for the -maximal regularity problem
Géométrie algébrique
Systèmes dʼéquations polynomiales pour les revêtements hyperelliptiques d-osculants
[Systems of polynomial equations for hyperelliptic d-osculating covers]
Relations de récurrence à coefficients aléatoires et lois stables
[Affine stochastic recursions and stable laws]
Issue no. 3-4 Table of Contents
Algèbre homologique/Topologie
Lʼanneau de cohomologie des variétés de Seifert
[The cohomology ring structure of Seifert manifolds]
Ordinary Differential Equations/Automation (theoretical)
Eigenvalues and eigenvectors assignment for neutral type systems
Partial Differential Equations
A Carleman estimate for the two dimensional heat equation with mixed boundary conditions
Géométrie différentielle
Théorèmes de type Obata pour certains feuilletages riemanniens
[Obata-type theorems for some Riemannian foliations]
Probability Theory/Statistics
Remark on the finite-dimensional character of certain results of functional statistics
Numerical Analysis/Mathematical Problems in Mechanics
A fully decoupled scheme for the interaction of a thin-walled structure with an incompressible fluid
Issue no. 5-6 Table of Contents
Algebra/Algebraic Geometry
Note on the completion of a local domain with geometrically normal formal fibers
Équations aux dérivées partielles
Problème inverse pour une équation parabolique à coefficients périodiques non réguliers
[Inverse problem for a parabolic equation with periodic and nonsmooth coefficients]
Partial Differential Equations/Numerical Analysis
Solving generalized eigenvalue problems on the interfaces to build a robust two-level FETI method
Problèmes mathématiques de la mécanique
Problèmes capacitaires en viscoplasticité avec effets de torsion
[Capacitary problems in viscoplasticity with torsion effects]
Mathematical Problems in Mechanics
Unique continuation for first-order systems with integrable coefficients and applications to elasticity and plasticity
Issue no. 7-8 Table of Contents
Théorie des nombres
Dérivée en de la fonction L p-adique du carré symétrique dʼune courbe elliptique sur un corps totalement réel
[Derivative at of the p-adic L-function of the symmetric square of an elliptic curve over a totally real field]
Potential Theory/Complex Analysis
On the behaviour of power series in the absence of Hadamard–Ostrowski gaps
Partial Differential Equations/Functional Analysis
On an extension of a bilinear functional on to a Bochner space with an application to velocity averaging
Équations aux dérivées partielles/Analyse numérique
Approximation grossière dʼun problème elliptique à coefficients hautement oscillants
[Coarse approximation of an elliptic problem with highly oscillatory coefficients]
Équations aux dérivées partielles/Analyse numérique
Méthode des éléments finis multi-échelles pour le problème de Stokes
[Finite element method multi-scale for the Stokes problem]
Partial Differential Equations/Mathematical Physics
The Goursat problem for the Einstein–Vlasov system: (II) The evolution of initial data
Géométrie algébrique
Le groupe de Brauer non ramifié sur un corps global de caractéristique positive
[The unramified Brauer group over a global field of positive characteristic]
Problèmes mathématiques de la mécanique
Une formulation hybride du modèle de coque de Naghdi
[A hybrid formulation for Naghdiʼs shell model]
Mathematical Problems in Mechanics
Expression of Dirichlet boundary conditions in terms of the Cauchy–Green tensor field
Mathematical Problems in Mechanics
Expression of Dirichlet boundary conditions in terms of the strain tensor in linearized elasticity
Issue no. 9-10 Table of Contents
Analyse complexe/Géométrie différentielle
Théorème de Poincaré–Alexander pour les domaines modèles
[Poincaré–Alexander Theorem for model domains]
Partial Differential Equations
Solutions of the Vlasov–Maxwell–Boltzmann system with long-range interactions
Dynamical Systems/Mathematical Physics
Band structure of the Ruelle spectrum of contact Anosov flows
Mathematical Problems in Mechanics
Nonlinear Donati compatibility conditions for the nonlinear Kirchhoff–von Kármán–Love plate theory
Mathematical Economics
Option price with stochastic volatility for both fast and slow mean-reverting regimes
Issue no. 11-12 Table of Contents
Mathematical Analysis/Differential Geometry
Spectral properties of Schrödinger operators on compact manifolds: Rigidity, flows, interpolation and spectral estimates
Partial Differential Equations/Differential Geometry
Quasilinear elliptic Hamilton–Jacobi equations on complete manifolds
Partial Differential Equations
On the existence of weak solutions to a model problem for the unsteady turbulent pipe-flow
Differential Geometry
On extrinsic symmetric spaces with zero mean curvature in Minkowski space-time
Propriétés asymptotiques des M-estimateurs pondérés pour des données clusterisées
[Asymptotic properties of weighted M-estimators for clustered data]
Issue no. 13-14 Table of Contents
Group Theory/Dynamical Systems
Explicit left orders on free groups extending the lexicographic order on free monoids
Mathematical Analysis/Harmonic Analysis
On the differentiable vectors for contragredient representations
Mathematical Analysis/Partial Differential Equations
On the asymptotics of a Robin eigenvalue problem
Partial Differential Equations
Lipschitz stability estimate in the inverse Robin problem for the Stokes system
Partial Differential Equations/Calculus of Variations
Stability of the vortex defect in the Landau–de Gennes theory for nematic liquid crystals
Partial Differential Equations/Optimal Control
Uniform analyticity and exponential decay of the semigroup associated with a thermoelastic plate equation with perturbed boundary conditions
Optimal Control/Calculus of Variations
A least-squares formulation for the approximation of null controls for the Stokes system
Comportement asymptotique de lʼestimateur non paramétrique de la fonction de renouvellement associée à des variables aléatoires positives indépendantes et non stationnaires
[Asymptotic behavior of the nonparametric estimator for the renewal function associated with independent and nonstationary positive random variables]
Issue no. 15-16 Table of Contents
Partial Differential Equations
Global existence and boundedness of classical solutions for a chemotaxis model with logistic source
Partial Differential Equations/Numerical Analysis
A combination between the reduced basis method and the ANOVA expansion: On the computation of sensitivity indices
Géométrie différentielle
Immersions biharmoniques dans une variété de Cartan–Hadamard
[Biharmonic immersion in a Cartan–Hadamard manifold]
Analyse numérique
Construction dʼun champ continu de métriques
[From discrete to continuous metric fields]
Issue no. 17-18 Table of Contents
Mathematical analysis/Dynamical systems
Ruelle operators and decay of correlations for contact Anosov flows
Partial differential equations
Effective stability for slow time-dependent near-integrable Hamiltonians and application
Partial differential equations
Explicit 2D ∞-harmonic maps whose interfaces have junctions and corners
Contrôle optimal
Contrôlabilité asymptotique et synchronisation asymptotique dʼun système couplé dʼéquations des ondes avec des contrôles frontières de Dirichlet
[Asymptotic controllability and asymptotic synchronization for a coupled system of wave equations with Dirichlet boundary controls]
Géométrie algébrique
Parties polaires et compactification ELSV
[Polar parts and the ELSV compactification]
Asymptotique des valeurs extrêmes pour les marches aléatoires affines
[Extreme-value asymptotics for affine random walks]
Issue no. 19-20 Table of Contents
Group theory/Topology
A remark on homomorphisms from right-angled Artin groups to mapping class groups
Partial differential equations/Calculus of variations
Spectral stability results for higher-order operators under perturbations of the domain
Partial differential equations
Lower bounds for the blow-up time in the higher-dimensional nonlinear divergence form parabolic equations
Partial differential equations/Optimal control
Semicontinuous viscosity solutions for quasiconvex Hamiltonians
Partial differential equations
A new relation between the condensation index of complex sequences and the null controllability of parabolic systems
Partial differential equations/Numerical analysis
Cauchy problems with modified conditions for the Euler–Poisson–Darboux equations in the hyperbolic space
Tests dʼadéquation à la mesure de Haar, identité de duplication de Watson et représentations dʼun groupe compact
[Goodness of fit tests for the Haar measure, Watonʼs duplication identity and representations of compact groups]
Problèmes mathématiques de la mécanique
Un modèle ES–BGK pour des mélanges de gaz
[An ES–BGK model for gas mixtures]
Issue no. 21-22 Table of Contents
Partial differential equations/Mathematical problems in mechanics
Reconstruction of extended sources with small supports in the elliptic equation from a single Cauchy data
Partial differential equations/Calculus of variations
Nucleation and backward motion of discrete interfaces
Harmonic analysis/Functional analysis
Marcinkiewicz r-classes and Fourier series expansions of operator ergodic Stieltjes convolutions
Mathematical problems in mechanics
Greenʼs formulas with little regularity on a surface – Application to Donati-like compatibility conditions on a surface
Issue no. 23-24 Table of Contents
Group theory/Algebraic geometry
The Lie algebra of type is rational over its quotient by the adjoint action
Mathematical analysis/Numerical analysis
A posteriori error majorants of the modeling errors for elliptic homogenization problems
Équations aux dérivées partielles
Espaces de Hardy et compacité par compensation : un résultat en dimension deux
[Hardy spaces and compensated compactness: A two-dimensional result]
Partial differential equations/Numerical analysis
Nonlinear reduced basis approximation of parameterized evolution equations via the method of freezing
Partial differential equations/Mathematical problems in mechanics
Inviscid symmetry breaking with non-increasing energy
Differential geometry/Dynamical systems
A Semple-type approach to a problem of Goursat: The multi-flag case
Mathematical problems in mechanics
The space on a surface – Application to Donati-like compatibility conditions on a surface