Table of contents
Algèbre homologique/Topologie
Lʼanneau de cohomologie des variétés de Seifert
[The cohomology ring structure of Seifert manifolds]
Ordinary Differential Equations/Automation (theoretical)
Eigenvalues and eigenvectors assignment for neutral type systems
Partial Differential Equations
A Carleman estimate for the two dimensional heat equation with mixed boundary conditions
Géométrie différentielle
Théorèmes de type Obata pour certains feuilletages riemanniens
[Obata-type theorems for some Riemannian foliations]
Probability Theory/Statistics
Remark on the finite-dimensional character of certain results of functional statistics
Numerical Analysis/Mathematical Problems in Mechanics
A fully decoupled scheme for the interaction of a thin-walled structure with an incompressible fluid