Table of contents

Algèbre homologique/Topologie
Lʼanneau de cohomologie des variétés de Seifert
[The cohomology ring structure of Seifert manifolds]

Mathematical Analysis/Partial Differential Equations
A global attractor for a p(x)-Laplacian inclusion

Ordinary Differential Equations/Automation (theoretical)
Eigenvalues and eigenvectors assignment for neutral type systems

Partial Differential Equations
A mathematical model of mast cell response to acupuncture needling

Algebraic Geometry
On the regularity of special difference divisors

Géométrie différentielle
Théorèmes de type Obata pour certains feuilletages riemanniens
[Obata-type theorems for some Riemannian foliations]

Topology/Dynamical Systems
Almost commensurability of 3-dimensional Anosov flows

Probability Theory
On the suprema of Bernoulli processes

Probability Theory/Numerical Analysis
Reducing variance in the numerical solution of BSDEs