Issue no. 1 Table of Contents

Number theory/Group theory
Revisiting the Leinster groups

Potential theory/Harmonic analysis
A limiting weak type estimate for capacitary maximal function

Complex analysis
Two results on φ-normal functions

Ordinary differential equations/Dynamical systems
Canard-cycle transition at a fast–fast passage through a jump point

Partial differential equations/Probability theory
Variational principle for weighted porous media equation

Partial differential equations/Differential geometry
Maximum principles and isoperimetric inequalities for some Monge–Ampère-type problems

Analyse fonctionnelle
Une remarque sur les sous-espaces complémentés de VBp(μ,X)
[One remark on the complemented subspaces of VBp(μ,X)]

Functional analysis/Probability theory
A refinement of the Brascamp–Lieb–Poincaré inequality in one dimension

Differential geometry
Isometry group of Sasaki–Einstein metric

Comportement asymptotique de lʼestimateur non paramétrique de la fonction de renouvellement associée à des variables aléatoires positives stationnaires β-mélangeantes
[Asymptotic behavior of nonparametric estimator for the renewal function associated with stationary β-mixing positive random variables]

Issue no. 2 Table of Contents

Mathematical analysis
An extremal problem for polynomials

Potential theory/Complex analysis
Boundary behaviour of universal Taylor series

Complex analysis
Yet another proof for a theorem of Landau on Koebe domains

Équations aux dérivées partielles/Analyse fonctionnelle
Étude de certaines équations elliptiques à argument dévié
[Study of some elliptic equations with deviated argument]

Analytic geometry
An L2 extension theorem with optimal estimate

Géométrie analytique
Une définition dʼespace de modules locaux de structures CR
[A definition of a local moduli space of CR structures]

Differential geometry
The GBC mass for asymptotically hyperbolic manifolds

Numerical analysis/Calculus of variations
New Poincaré-type inequalities

Issue no. 3 Table of Contents

Lie algebras/Algebraic geometry
Remarks on level-one conformal blocks divisors

Partial differential equations/Mathematical problems in mechanics
The 3D motion of a solid with large deformations

Partial differential equations/Mathematical physics
The Ostrovsky–Vakhnenko equation: A Riemann–Hilbert approach

Partial differential equations/Harmonic analysis
A pseudo-differential calculus on the Heisenberg group

Partial differential equations/Mathematical problems in mechanics
On the Hamiltonian structure of the planar steady water-wave problem with vorticity

Partial differential equations/Mathematical physics
A theorem on the existence of symmetries of fractional PDEs

Partial differential equations/Mathematical problems in mechanics
Modeling of the nonlinear vibrations of a stiffened moderately thick plate

Géométrie différentielle/Probabilités
Majorations asymptotiques du barycentre convexe d'une mesure de probabilité sur les espaces homogènes S2×R, H2×R et l'espace de Heisenberg H3
[Asymptotic upper bounds for the convex barycenter of probability measure on the homogenous spaces S2×R, H2×R and the Heisenberg space H3]

Numerical analysis/Mathematical problems in mechanics
An improvement on geometrical parameterizations by transfinite maps

Issue no. 4 Table of Contents

Complex analysis
The weighted log canonical threshold

Complex analysis/Functional analysis
Disjoint mixing composition operators on the Hardy space in the unit ball

Ordinary differential equations/Partial differential equations
On a p-Kirchhoff problem involving a critical nonlinearity

Algebraic geometry
Nefness: Generalization to the lc case

Analytic geometry/Complex analysis
Chow forms and Hodge cohomology classes

Differential geometry
A characterization of balanced manifolds

Topology/Dynamical systems
A note on homotopy classes of nonsingular vector fields on S3

Probability theory
Moment formulae for general point processes

Issue no. 5 Table of Contents

Combinatorics/Lie algebras
The flush statistic on semistandard Young tableaux

Théorie des nombres
Cyclotomie des sommes de Weil binomiales
[Cyclotomy of Weil sums of binomials]

Algèbre/Géométrie algébrique
Extensions de la filtration de Saito
[Extensions of Saito's filtration]

Analyse mathématique
Sur la répartition des puissances modulo 1
[On the repartition of powers modulo 1]

Complex analysis/Analytic geometry
A remark on the approximation of plurisubharmonic functions

Partial differential equations
Locally periodic thin domains with varying period

Partial differential equations/Numerical analysis
Homogenization of heat diffusion in a cracked medium

Équations aux dérivées partielles/Problèmes mathématiques de la mécanique
Limite de diffusion linéaire pour un système déterministe de sphères dures
[Linear diffusive limit of deterministic systems of hard spheres]

Géométrie différentielle
La torsion analytique holomorphe généralisée des fibrés en droites intégrables
[The generalized holomorphic analytic torsion for the integrable line bundles]

Differential geometry
A note on magnetic curves on S2n+1

Issue no. 6 Table of Contents

Algebra/Group theory
Metric ultraproducts of finite simple groups

Mathematical analysis/Dynamical systems
Brin–Katok formula for the measure theoretic r-entropy

Partial differential equations/Numerical analysis
Optimal decay rates for the stabilization of a string network

Probability theory/Mathematical economics
Symmetries of the backward heat equation with potential and interest rate models

Issue no. 7-8 Table of Contents

Théorie des nombres
Grandes valeurs d'une fonction additive liée aux diviseurs généralisés d'un nombre entier
[Large values of an additive function linked with generalized divisors of an integer]

Number theory
On small zeros of automorphic L-functions

Group theory/Topology
A remark on the connectedness of spheres in Cayley graphs

Mathematical analysis/Complex analysis
Lagrange interpolation problem for quaternion polynomials

Complex analysis/Harmonic analysis
A characterization of Möbius transformations

Partial differential equations/Dynamical systems
Non-existence of small-amplitude doubly periodic waves for dispersive equations

Partial differential equations
KAM for quasi-linear KdV

Probabilités/Physique mathématique
Particule à haute énergie dans un potentiel aléatoire dépendant du temps
[High-energy particle in a time-dependent random potential]

Issue no. 9 Table of Contents

Number theory/Algebraic geometry
An explicit semi-factorial compactification of the Néron model

Partial differential equations/Mathematical problems in mechanics
Singular limit of a Navier–Stokes system leading to a free/congested zones two-phase model

Partial differential equations
Remarks on a lemma by Jacques-Louis Lions

Optimal control/Calculus of variations
Dynamic programming for mean-field type control

Geometry/Differential geometry
Blowing-up points on locally conformally balanced manifolds

Algebraic geometry
Normalized non-Archimedean links and surface singularities

Algebraic geometry/Topology
A note on the Zariski multiplicity conjecture

Differential geometry
On anti-Hermitian metric connections

Differential geometry
Harmonic vector fields on Landsberg manifolds

On Bayesian estimation via divergences

Issue no. 10 Table of Contents

Théorie des nombres
Double mélange des multizêtas finis et multizêtas symétrisés
[Double shuffle for finite multizetas and symmetrized multizetas]

Number theory/Algebra
Joubert's theorem fails in characteristic 2

Mathematical analysis/Functional analysis
Completeness on locally convex cones

Mathematical analysis/Functional analysis
Dimension of gradient measures

Potential theory/Probability theory
Survival time of a heterogeneous random walk in a quadrant

Ordinary differential equations
The master Painlevé VI heat equation

Contrôle optimal
Sur l'état de synchronisation exacte d'un système couplé d'équations des ondes
[On the exactly synchronizable state to a coupled system of wave equations]

Probability theory/Statistics
LAN property for a simple Lévy process

Issue no. 11 Table of Contents

The algebra of Hurwitz multizeta functions

Number theory/Algebraic geometry
The first cohomology of separably rationally connected varieties

Number theory/Geometry
A volume estimate for the set of stable lattices

Homological algebra/Mathematical physics
The obstruction to the existence of a loopless star product

Complex analysis/Partial differential equations
On the higher dimensional harmonic analog of the Levinson loglog theorem

Partial differential equations/Optimal control
Source identification for the wave equation on graphs

Partial differential equations/Numerical analysis
Localization of extended current source with finite frequencies

Differential geometry
A Hopf algebra associated with a Lie pair

Probability theory
Probabilities of hitting a convex hull

Analyse numérique
Correction non linéaire d'ordre 2 et principe du maximum pour la discrétisation d'opérateurs de diffusion
[A nonlinear second order in space correction and maximum principle for diffusion operators]

Issue no. 12 Table of Contents

Combinatorics/Number theory
Some applications of the r-Whitney numbers

Number theory/Algebraic geometry
The Arithmetic Site

Number theory
Multiple zeta values at the non-positive integers

Algebra/Homological algebra
Some properties of the extremal algebras

Mathematical analysis/Partial differential equations
Multi-marginal Monge–Kantorovich transport problems: A characterization of solutions

Partial differential equations/Mathematical economics
Asymptotic expansions for degenerate parabolic equations

Functional analysis/Probability theory
On the subexponentiality of the ridgelet transform

Géométrie algébrique/Géométrie analytique
Filtration perverse et théorie de Hodge
[Perverse filtration and Hodge theory]

Géométrie algébrique
Du théorème de décomposition à la pureté locale
[From the decomposition theorem to local purity]

Probability theory
Restrictions of Brownian motion