Issue no. 1 Table of Contents
Differential geometry/Mathematical problems in mechanics
W2,p-estimates for surfaces in terms of their two fundamental forms
Analyse numérique
Sur une correction non linéaire et un principe du minimum local pour la discrétisation d'opérateurs de diffusion en différences finies
[A nonlinear correction and local minimum principle for diffusion operators with finite differences]
Issue no. 2 Table of Contents
Ordinary differential equations
On the orbital Hausdorff dependence of differential equations with non-instantaneous impulses
Partial differential equations/Optimal control
Partial regularity for solutions to subelliptic eikonal equations
Partial differential equations/Mathematical physics
Wave packets and the quadratic Monge–Kantorovich distance in quantum mechanics
Partial differential equations
A generalised comparison principle for the Monge–Ampère equation and the pressure in 2D fluid flows
Functional analysis/Mathematical analysis
Remarks on the Monge–Kantorovich problem in the discrete setting
Issue no. 3 Table of Contents
Combinatorics/Ordinary differential equations
Majoration of the dimension of the space of concatenated solutions to a specific pantograph equation
Number theory/Mathematical analysis
Computation and theory of Euler sums of generalized hyperharmonic numbers
Mathematical analysis
Weak approximation by bounded Sobolev maps with values into complete manifolds
Complex analysis/Functional analysis
Complex variable approach to the analysis of a fractional differential equation in the real line
Partial differential equations
On the local existence for the Euler equations with free boundary for compressible and incompressible fluids
Algebraic geometry/Topology
An integrable connection on the configuration space of a Riemann surface of positive genus
Issue no. 4 Table of Contents
Homological algebra/Algebraic geometry
A topological nullstellensatz for tensor-triangulated categories
Homological algebra/Differential geometry
Deformation cohomology of Lie algebroids and Morita equivalence
Partial differential equations/Dynamical systems
On the convergence of formally diverging neural net-based classifiers
Partial differential equations/Mathematical physics
On maximizing the fundamental frequency of the complement of an obstacle
Algebraic geometry/Differential geometry
Singularities and semistable degenerations for symplectic topology
Mathematical physics/Calculus of variations
Semi-classical limit of the Levy–Lieb functional in Density Functional Theory
Issue no. 5 Table of Contents
Number theory/Mathematical analysis
On a conjecture of Faulhuber and Steinerberger on the logarithmic derivative of ϑ4
Partial differential equations/Calculus of variations
Counterexamples in calculus of variations in L∞ through the vectorial Eikonal equation
Partial differential equations
A note on a global strong solution to the 2D Cauchy problem of density-dependent nematic liquid crystal flows with vacuum
Optimal control/Numerical analysis
On a finite element method for measure-valued optimal control problems governed by the 1D generalized wave equation
Test d'hétéroscédasticité quand les covariables sont fonctionnelles
[Heteroscedasticity test when the covariables are functionals]
Mathematical problems in mechanics
The asymptotically sharp Korn interpolation and second inequalities for shells
Issue no. 6 Table of Contents
Mathematical analysis/Harmonic analysis
Density of spaces of trigonometric polynomials with frequencies from a subgroup in Lα-spaces
Mathematical analysis/Functional analysis
A characterizing property of commutative Banach algebras may not be sufficient only on the invertible elements
Mathematical analysis/Ordinary differential equations
Existence of periodic solutions for a class of damped vibration problems
Ordinary differential equations/Harmonic analysis
The Gelfand–Shilov smoothing effect for the radially symmetric homogeneous Landau equation with Shubin initial datum
Partial differential equations/Numerical analysis
Transmission eigenvalues with artificial background for explicit material index identification
Partial differential equations
Stability for entire radial solutions to the biharmonic equation with negative exponents
Partial differential equations
An Lp-theory for almost sure local well-posedness of the nonlinear Schrödinger equations
Partial differential equations
On the stability of the state 1 in the non-local Fisher–KPP equation in bounded domains
Partial differential equations/Differential geometry
A Serrin-type symmetry result on model manifolds: An extension of the Weinberger argument
Partial differential equations/Probability theory
Convergence in Wasserstein distance for self-stabilizing diffusion evolving in a double-well landscape
Algebraic geometry/Differential geometry
Exotic components of SO(p,q) surface group representations, and their Higgs bundle avatars
Probability theory/Mathematical physics
Spectral localization for quantum Hamiltonians with weak random delta interaction
Issue no. 7 Table of Contents
Algèbre homologique/Topologie différentielle
Extensions de fonctions d'un voisinage de la sphère à la boule
[Extending functions from a neighborhood of the sphere to the ball]
Théorie des groupes/Géométrie algébrique
Extension des scalaires par le morphisme de Frobenius, pour les groupes réductifs
[Frobenius base change for reductive groups]
Mathematical analysis/Partial differential equations
The quenching behavior of a quasilinear parabolic equation with double singular sources
Complex analysis/Functional analysis
On the boundary behaviour of derivatives of functions in the disc algebra
Analyse complexe/Géométrie analytique
Une propriété de continuité associée aux classes de cohomologie de Hodge
[A property of continuity associated with Hodge cohomology classes]
Partial differential equations/Functional analysis
Brézis–Gallouet–Wainger-type inequality with critical fractional Sobolev space and BMO
Partial differential equations/Functional analysis
Electromagnetic wave propagation in media consisting of dispersive metamaterials
Harmonic analysis/Ordinary differential equations
Solutions of a class of multiplicatively advanced differential equations
Issue no. 8 Table of Contents
Lie algebras/Differential geometry
Geodesic orbit metrics on compact simple Lie groups arising from flag manifolds
Mathematical analysis/Functional analysis
On the shape factor of interaction laws for a non-local approximation of the Sobolev norm and the total variation
Potential theory/Complex analysis
A note on the weighted log canonical thresholds of plurisubharmonic functions
Complex analysis/Functional analysis
Analytic balayage of measures, Carathéodory domains, and badly approximable functions in Lp
Partial differential equations
Chemotaxis effect vs. logistic damping on boundedness in the 2-D minimal Keller–Segel model
Partial differential equations
Remark on the semilinear ill-posedness for a periodic higher-order KP-I equation
Homéomorphismes et nombre d'intersection
[Homeomorphisms and intersection numbers]
Physique mathématique
Une q-déformation de la transformation de Bargmann vraie-polyanalytique
[A q-deformation of the true-polyanalytic Bargmann transform]
Issue no. 9 Table of Contents
Ordinary differential equations
Sharp uniqueness conditions for one-dimensional, autonomous ordinary differential equations
Partial differential equations/Calculus of variations
Uniqueness of degree-one Ginzburg–Landau vortex in the unit ball in dimensions N ≥ 7
Partial differential equations
Self-adjoint and skew-symmetric extensions of the Laplacian with singular Robin boundary condition
Partial differential equations
Solutions to a nonlinear Neumann problem in three-dimensional exterior domains
Algebraic geometry/Topology
Milnor and Tjurina numbers for a hypersurface germ with isolated singularity
Issue no. 10 Table of Contents
Partial differential equations
Elliptic boundary value problems for Bessel operators, with applications to anti-de Sitter spacetimes
Geometry/Analytic geometry
On the stability of flat complex vector bundles over parallelizable manifolds
Problèmes mathématiques de la mécanique
Un problème de confinement pour une coque membranaire linéairement élastique de type elliptique
[A confinement problem for a linearly elastic membrane shell of elliptic type]
Issue no. 11-12 Table of Contents
Théorie des nombres/Géométrie algébrique
Le nombre des systèmes locaux ℓ-adiques sur une courbe
[Number of irreducible ℓ-adic local systems on a curve]
Algebra/Homological algebra
Homotopy G-algebra structure on the cochain complex of hom-type algebras
Analyse complexe/Géométrie analytique
Approximation polynomiale des jets de Whitney -plats de classe M
[Approximation by polynomials of Whitney -flat jets of class M]
Partial differential equations
Note on the fall of an axisymmetric body in a perfect fluid over a horizontal ramp
Partial differential equations
Scalar conservation laws: Initial and boundary value problems revisited and saturated solutions
Partial differential equations/Differential geometry
The Dirichlet problem on a strip for the α-translating soliton equation
Géométrie/Problèmes mathématiques de la mécanique
Sur la détermination du périmètre de l'ovale à huit centres
[On the determination of the perimeter of the eight-centered oval]
Mathematical problems in mechanics
Intrinsic formulation of the displacement-traction problem in linear shell theory