Lecture notes
Lecture notes
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ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis
Volume 25 (1991)
Issue no. 1
Table of Contents
Propagation of elastic surface waves along a cylindrical cavity of arbitrary cross section
Bamberger, A.
Joly, P.
Kern, M.
p. 1-30
Estimateurs a posteriori d'erreur pour le calcul adaptatif d'écoulements quasi-newtoniens
Baranger, Jacques
El Amri, Hassan
p. 31-47
Approximation by finite element method of the model plasma problem
Caloz, Gabriel
p. 49-65
Upwind computation of steady planar flames with complex chemistry
Ghilani, M.
Larrouturou, B.
p. 67-91
Stability of the solutions of impulsive integro-differential equations in terms of two measures
Kulev, G. K.
Bainov, D. D.
p. 93-110
Error estimates and step-size control for the approximate solution of a first order evolution equation
Lippold, Günter
p. 111-128
Traveling waves in a cylinder rolling on a flat surface
Ross, Dvora
Bercovier, Michel
p. 129-149
Postprocessing schemes for some mixed finite elements
Stenberg, Rolf
p. 151-167
Issue no. 2
Table of Contents
Numerical solution of second-order elliptic equations on plane domains
Angermann, Lutz
p. 169-191
Ajustement spline le long d'un ensemble de courbes
Apprato, D.
Arcangéli, R.
p. 193-212
Finite element approximation of a free boundary problem arising in the theory of liquid drops ans plasma physics
Barrett, John W.
Elliott, Charles M.
p. 213-252
A numerical approach to a class of unilateral elliptic problems of non-variational type
Finzi Vita, S.
p. 253-269
Issue no. 3
Table of Contents
Écoulements en milieu poreux n'obéissant pas à la loi de Darcy
Amirat, Youcef
p. 273-306
Familles de branches de bifurcations dans les équations de Ginzburg-Landau
Bolley, Catherine
p. 307-335
The Runge-Kutta local projection
-discontinuous-Galerkin finite element method for scalar conservation laws
Cockburn, Bernardo
Shu, Chi-Wang
p. 337-361
Remark on the result on homogenization in hydrodynamical lubrication by G. Bayada and M. Chambat
Mikelić, A.
p. 363-370
Existence and convergence of the expansion in the asymptotic theory of elastic thin plates
Paumier, J.-C.
p. 371-391
Issue no. 4
Table of Contents
Une méthode du type caractéristique pour la résolution d'un problème de lubrification hydrodynamique en régime transitoire
El Alaoui Talibi, M.
Bayada, G.
p. 395-423
Smoothing and interpolation in a convex subset of a Hilbert space : II. The semi-norm case
Micchelli, Charles A.
Utreras, Florencio I.
p. 425-440
A triangular mixed finite element method for the stationary semiconductor device equations
Miller, J. J. H.
Wang, S.
p. 441-463
Un modèle relaxé pour les câbles inextensibles
Serre, Denis
p. 465-481
A homogenization result for planar, polygonal networks
Vogelius, Michael
p. 483-514
Issue no. 5
Table of Contents
Jeux différentiels et approximation numérique de fonctions valeur. 1re partie : étude théorique
Alziary de Roquefort, B.
p. 517-533
Jeux différentiels et approximation numérique de fonctions valeur. 2e partie : étude numérique
Alziary de Roquefort, B.
p. 535-560
A new mixed finite element method for the Timoshenko beam problem
Franca, Leopoldo P.
Loula, Abimael F. D.
p. 561-578
Résolution parallèle de problèmes aux limites non linéaires
Giraud, L.
Spiteri, P.
p. 579-606
Discrete Sobolev spaces and regularity of elliptic difference schemes
Stevenson, Rob
p. 607-640
Issue no. 6
Table of Contents
On a class of conservative, highly accurate Galerkin methods for the Schrödinger equation
Akrivis, G. D.
Dougalis, V. A.
p. 643-670
On pointwise stability of cubic smoothing splines with nonuniform sampling points
Anderssen, R. S.
de Hoog, F. R.
Wahlbin, L. B.
p. 671-692
Finite difference approximations for partial differential equations with rapidly oscillating coefficients
Avellaneda, M.
Hou, Th. Y.
Papanicolaou, G. C.
p. 693-710
Analysis and finite element approximation of optimal control problems for the stationary Navier-Stokes equations with Dirichlet controls
Gunzburger, M. D.
Hou, L. S.
Svobodny, Th. P.
p. 711-748
Convergence of a streamline diffusion finite element method for scalar conservation laws with boundary conditions
Szepessy, A.
p. 749-782
version of the boundary element method on polygonal domains with quasiuniform meshes
Stephan, E. P.
Suri, M.
p. 783-807