Issue no. 1 Table of Contents
Tradition et modernité aux Comptes Rendus de l’Académie des sciences
[Tradition and Modernity in the Comptes Rendus de l’Académie des sciences]
[Tradition and Modernity in the Comptes Rendus de l’Académie des sciences]
Probability Theory, Statistics
On weak law of large numbers for sums of negatively superadditive dependent random variables
Number Theory, Homological Algebra
A note on Gersten’s conjecture for étale cohomology over two-dimensional henselian regular local rings
Combinatorics, Mathematical Physics
A two-sided Faulhaber-like formula involving Bernoulli polynomials
Lie Algebras, Mathematical Physics
The linear –invariant differential operators and –relative cohomology
Algebraic Geometry, Differential Geometry
On the Morse–Novikov Cohomology of blowing up complex manifolds
Algebra, Partial Differential Equations
Characterization of the moment space corresponding to the Levermore basis
Partial Differential Equations
Uniform boundedness of solutions for a predator-prey system with diffusion and chemotaxis
Issue no. 2 Table of Contents
Average Field Games, Partial Differential Equations
Strategic advantages in mean field games with a major player
Shape Optimisation, Numerical Analysis
A connection between topological ligaments in shape optimization and thin tubular inhomogeneities
Geometry, Dynamical Systems
Pseudo-Riemannian Lie groups admitting left-invariant conformal vector fields
Partial Differential Equations, Systems Theory
Remarks on local controllability for the Boussinesq system with Navier boundary condition
Geometry, Topology
Les strates ne possèdent pas de variétés complètes
[The strata do not contain complete varieties]
Number Theory, Reductive Group Theory
A characterization of the relation between two -modular correspondences
Mathematical Analysis, Partial Differential Equations
Symmetry of solutions to singular fractional elliptic equations and applications
Issue no. 3 Table of Contents
Dynamic Programming, Statistical Learning
Parameter Identification by Statistical Learning of a Stochastic Dynamical System Modelling a Fishery with price variation
Differential Geometry, Dynamical Systems
Deformation of singular foliations, 1: Local deformation cohomology
Algebraic Geometry, Analytic Geometry
Moduli space of rank one logarithmic connections over a compact Riemann surface
Mathematical Analysis, Ordinary Differential Equations
On the 2D “viscous incompressible fluid + rigid body” system with Navier conditions and unbounded energy
Partial Differential Equations
A note on hypocoercivity for kinetic equations with heavy-tailed equilibrium
Ordinary Differential Equations
Center Manifolds for Non-instantaneous Impulsive Equations Under Nonuniform Hyperbolicity
Issue no. 4 Table of Contents
Partial Differential Equations
On the Lagrangian Trajectories for the One-Dimensional Euler Alignment Model without Vacuum Velocity
Group Theory, Differential Topology
Mapping class groups of simply connected high-dimensional manifolds need not be arithmetic
Number Theory
Identités et estimations concernant le plus petit commun multiple de suites à forte divisibilité
[Identities and estimations involving the least common multiple of strong divisibility sequences]
Issue no. 5 Table of Contents
Probability Theory, Mathematical Physics
Molecules as metric measure spaces with Kato-bounded Ricci curvature
Mathematical Problems in Mechanics, Differential Geometry
A nonlinear Korn inequality in with an explicitly bounded constant
Issue no. 6 Table of Contents
Partial Differential Equations, Probability Theory
Low regularity solutions to the stochastic geometric wave equation driven by a fractional Brownian sheet
Partial Differential Equations
Geometric conditions for the null-controllability of hypoelliptic quadratic parabolic equations with moving control supports
Elliptical Partial Differential Equations
A Liouville theorem for the fractional Ginzburg–Landau equation
Partial Differential Equations, Functional Analysis
On an irreducibility type condition for the ergodicity of nonconservative semigroups
Probability theory, Differential geometry, Global analysis on manifolds
Determinants of Laplacians on discretizations of flat surfaces and analytic torsion
Issue no. 7 Table of Contents
Partial Differential Equations, Numerical Analysis
Electromagnetic shielding by thin periodic structures and the Faraday cage effect
Partial Differential Equations
Effective transmission conditions for second-order elliptic equations on networks in the limit of thin domains
Theory of functions and function spaces
A short proof of the infinitesimal Hilbertianity of the weighted Euclidean space
Mathematical Modelling, Biomathematics
Understanding and monitoring the evolution of the Covid-19 epidemic from medical emergency calls: the example of the Paris area
Issue no. 8 Table of Contents
Partial Differential Equations, Fluid Mechanics
Equilibrium configuration of a rectangular obstacle immersed in a channel flow
Partial Differential Equations, Probabilities
The asymptotics of stochastically perturbed reaction-diffusion equations and front propagation
Issue no. 9-10 Table of Contents
Partial Differential Equations
Concerning the pathological set in the context of probabilistic well-posedness
Issue no. 11-12 Table of Contents
Partial Differential Equations, Numerical Analysis
Some quasi-analytical solutions for propagative waves in free surface Euler equations
Partial Differential Equations
A nonlocal Dirichlet problem with impulsive action: estimates of the growth for the solutions
Comportement extrémal des copules diagonales et de Bertino
[Extremal behavior of diagonal and Bertino copulas]
Partial Differential Equations
Meromorphic solutions of generalized inviscid Burgers’ equations and related PDES
Partial Differential Equations
Asymptotic behavior of solutions of fully nonlinear equations over exterior domains
Complex Analysis and Geometry
On the Fekete–Szegö type functionals for functions which are convex in the direction of the imaginary axis