Issue no. 1 Table of Contents
Composantes irréductibles de la variété commutante nilpotente d’une algèbre de Lie symétrique semi-simple
[Irreducible Components of the Nilpotent Commuting Variety of a Symmetric Semisimple Lie Algebra]
[Irreducible Components of the Nilpotent Commuting Variety of a Symmetric Semisimple Lie Algebra]
Issue no. 2 Table of Contents
Le foncteur entre -espaces vectoriels est noethérien
[The functor between -vector spaces is noetherian]
[The functor between -vector spaces is noetherian]
Issue no. 3 Table of Contents
Mesures de Mahler et équidistribution logarithmique
[Mahler measures and logarithmic equidistribution]
[Mahler measures and logarithmic equidistribution]
Bornes pour la régularité de Castelnuovo-Mumford des schémas non lisses
[Bounds for the Castelnuovo-Mumford regularity of singular schemes]
[Bounds for the Castelnuovo-Mumford regularity of singular schemes]
Issue no. 5 Table of Contents
Endoscopie et changement de caractéristique : intégrales orbitales pondérées
[Endoscopy and change of characteristic: Weighted orbital integrals]
[Endoscopy and change of characteristic: Weighted orbital integrals]
Comptage de courbes sur le plan projectif éclaté en trois points alignés
[Counting curves on the plane blown up in three collinear points]
[Counting curves on the plane blown up in three collinear points]
Fibrés vectoriels de rang deux sur provenant d’un revêtement double
[Rank two vector bundle on coming from a double covering]
[Rank two vector bundle on coming from a double covering]
Issue no. 7 Table of Contents
Théories de Galois différentielles et transcendance
[Differential Galois theories and transcendence]
[Differential Galois theories and transcendence]