Issue no. 2 Table of Contents
Filtration de Harder-Narasimhan pour des fibrés complexes ou des faisceaux sans torsion
[Harder-Narasimhan filtration for complex bundles or torsion free sheaves]
[Harder-Narasimhan filtration for complex bundles or torsion free sheaves]
Issue no. 3 Table of Contents
L'octogone régulier et la signature des formes quadratiques entières non singulières
[How Euclid's pupils proved Weil's quadratic reciprocity law. With an appendice of Géraldine Gahide]
[How Euclid's pupils proved Weil's quadratic reciprocity law. With an appendice of Géraldine Gahide]
Sur la topologie des courbes polaires de certains feuilletages singuliers
[About the topology of polar curves of some singular foliations]
[About the topology of polar curves of some singular foliations]
Sur les feuilletages holomorphes transversalement projectifs
[About transversely projective holomorphic foliations]
[About transversely projective holomorphic foliations]
Exposants de la monodromie -adique et structure de Frobenius pour des équations différentielles
[Exponents of the -adic monodromy and Frobenius structure for differential equations]
[Exponents of the -adic monodromy and Frobenius structure for differential equations]
Issue no. 5 Table of Contents
Feuilletages transversalement projectifs sur les variétés de Seifert
[Transversely projective foliations on Seifert manifolds]
[Transversely projective foliations on Seifert manifolds]
Issue no. 6 Table of Contents
Courbures intrinsèques dans les catégories analytico-géométriques
[Intrinsic curvatures in analytic-geometric categories]
[Intrinsic curvatures in analytic-geometric categories]
Issue no. 7 Table of Contents
Division et composition dans l'anneau des séries de Dirichlet analytiques
[Division and composition theorems in the ring of analytic Dirichlet series]
[Division and composition theorems in the ring of analytic Dirichlet series]
Hauteurs des sous-schémas de dimension nulle de l'espace projectif
[Heights of zero-dimensional subschemes of projective space]
[Heights of zero-dimensional subschemes of projective space]