@article{M2AN_1986__20_3_371_0, author = {Cea, Jean}, title = {Conception optimale ou identification de formes, calcul rapide de la d\'eriv\'ee directionnelle de la fonction co\^ut}, journal = {ESAIM: Mod\'elisation math\'ematique et analyse num\'erique}, pages = {371--402}, publisher = {AFCET - Gauthier-Villars}, address = {Paris}, volume = {20}, number = {3}, year = {1986}, mrnumber = {862783}, zbl = {0604.49003}, language = {fr}, url = {http://www.numdam.org/item/M2AN_1986__20_3_371_0/} }
TY - JOUR AU - Cea, Jean TI - Conception optimale ou identification de formes, calcul rapide de la dérivée directionnelle de la fonction coût JO - ESAIM: Modélisation mathématique et analyse numérique PY - 1986 SP - 371 EP - 402 VL - 20 IS - 3 PB - AFCET - Gauthier-Villars PP - Paris UR - http://www.numdam.org/item/M2AN_1986__20_3_371_0/ LA - fr ID - M2AN_1986__20_3_371_0 ER -
%0 Journal Article %A Cea, Jean %T Conception optimale ou identification de formes, calcul rapide de la dérivée directionnelle de la fonction coût %J ESAIM: Modélisation mathématique et analyse numérique %D 1986 %P 371-402 %V 20 %N 3 %I AFCET - Gauthier-Villars %C Paris %U http://www.numdam.org/item/M2AN_1986__20_3_371_0/ %G fr %F M2AN_1986__20_3_371_0
Cea, Jean. Conception optimale ou identification de formes, calcul rapide de la dérivée directionnelle de la fonction coût. ESAIM: Modélisation mathématique et analyse numérique, Volume 20 (1986) no. 3, pp. 371-402. http://www.numdam.org/item/M2AN_1986__20_3_371_0/
1 Optimum Design For Potential Flows Communication to Calgary Conference, June, 1980 | Zbl
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,4 Étude Mathématique et Numérique d'un Problème Inverse pour l'Équation des Ondes a une Dimension Rapport Interne, N° 14, École Polytechnique, January 1977
, and ,5 Optimization of Elastic Bars in Torsion Int J Solids and Structures, Vol 12, 1976, pp 275-286 | MR | Zbl
,6 On a Two-Dimenstional Optimization Problem in Elastic Bar Torsion Theory MTT, Vol 11, N° 5, 1976, pp 45-52
,7 Optimality Condition in the Problem of Seeking the Hole Shapes in Elastic Bodies PMM, Vol 41, N° 5, 1977, pp 920-925 | MR | Zbl
,8 Application de la Methode des Éléments Finisa l'Appro ximation d'un Problème de Domaine Optimal Applied Math and Optimization, Vol 2, No2, 1975, pp 130-169 | MR | Zbl
and ,9 An Elementary Solution of a Vanational Problem of Aerodynamics J of Opt Theory and Appl, Vol 1, N°2, 1967 | MR | Zbl
,10 Optimum Design of Fillets in flat and Round Tension Bars ASME paper, N° 77-DET-45, 1977
and ,11 Une méthode Numérique pour la Recherche d un Domaine Optimal Publication IMAN-P2, Nice, 1975 | MR | Zbl
,12 Identification de Domaines Springer-Verlag, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol 3, 1973 | Zbl
,13 Quelques Résultats sur l'Identification de Domaines Calcolo, III-IV, 1973 | MR | Zbl
, and ,14 Adaptation de la Methode du Gradient a un Problème d'Identification de Domaine Springer-Verlag, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol 11, 1974 | MR | Zbl
, and ,15 Quelques méthodes sur la recherche d'un domaine optimal Springer-Verlag, Lecture notes m Physics, Vol 85, 1978, pp 135-146 | MR
,16 Numerical Methods of Shape Optimal Design Optimization of Distributed Parameter Structures (Eds E J Haug andJ Cea) Sythoff & Noordhoff, Alphen aan den Rijn, Netherlands, 1981 | Zbl
,17 Lectures on Optimization Theory and Algorithms Springer-Verlag, 1978 | MR | Zbl
,18 An example of a Max-Min Problem in Partial Differential Equations SIAM J Control, Vol 8,N° 3, 1970, pp 305-316 | MR | Zbl
and ,19 Analyse Fonctionnelle et Identification de Coefficients Repartis dans les Équations aux Dérivées Partielles These de Doctorat, Paris | Zbl
,20 On theExistence of a Solution in a Domain Identification Problem J Math Anal Appl, Vol 52, N° 2, 1975 | MR | Zbl
,21 Two Dimensional Shape Optimal Design Int J Num Methods m Engrg , Vol 13, 1978, pp 311-336 | MR | Zbl
and ,22 The Numerical Evaluation of B-Splines National Physical Laboratory DNAC 4, August 1971 | Zbl
,23 Sur une Classe de Fonctionnelles Intégrales a Domaine Variable d Intégration Actes, Congres Internat Math , 1970, Vol 2, pp 703-715 | MR | Zbl
,24 On Calculating with B-Splines J Approx Theory, Vol 6, pp 50-62, 1972 | MR | Zbl
,25 Une Formule d'Identification dans des Problèmes d'Identification deDomaines C R Acad Sci Pans, Serie A,Vol 280, 1975, pp 1697-1700 and 1761-1764 | MR | Zbl
and ,26 Hadamard's Variational Formula for a Mixed Problem and an Application to a Problem Related to a Signonni Like Variational Inequality Rapport Labona, IRIA, Rocquencourt, 1979 | Zbl
and ,27 Une Formule de Hadamard dans les Problèmes d Optimal Design Springer-Verlag, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol 40, 1976 | Zbl
, ,28 Dessin Optimal d'un Reacteur Nucleaire par une Methode de Gradient To appear
, and ,29 The Curvature Elasticity of Fluid Membranes A Catalogue of Vesicle Shapes J de Phys , Vol 37, nov 1976, pp 1335-1345
and ,30 Optimization of Shape to Minimize Stress Concentration Strain Anal, Vol 10, 1975, pp 63-70
, and ,31 Optimization Methods in Structural Design Edited by H Eshenauer and N Olhoff Euromech-Colloquim 164, University of Siegen
and ,32 General Nonlinear Programming Methods NATO Advanced Study Institute on Modern Structural Optimization 4-15 August 1980, University of Liège, Belgium
and33 Free Boundary Problems for Parabolic Equations, (II) Evaporation or Condensation of a Liquid Drop J Math Mech Vol 9, 1960, pp 19-66 | MR | Zbl
,34 Free Boundary Problems for Parabolic Equations (III) Dissolution of a Gas Bubble in Liquid J Math Mech , Vol 9, 1960, pp 327-345 | MR | Zbl
,35 The Stefan Problem in Several Space Variables Trans Amer Math Soc, Vol 133, 1968, pp 51-87 | MR | Zbl
,36 Extremal Methods-in Cavitational Flows J Rat Mech Anal, Vol 1, 1952, pp 359-409 | MR | Zbl
and ,37 Convexity of Domain Functionals J d'Analyse Math , Vol 3, 1953, 246-344 | MR | Zbl
and ,38 Cours de mécanique des milieux continus Paris, Masson 1973 | MR | Zbl
,39 Analyse Numérique du Champ Magnétique d'un Alternateur par Éléments Finis et Sur-relaxation Ponctuelle non Lineaire Comp Math m Appl Mech and Eng, Vol 3,N° 1, Janv 1974 | MR | Zbl
and ,40 Finite Element Approximation and Iterative Methods of Solution for 2-D Nonlinear Magnetostatic Problems Proceedings of COMPUMAG Conf, Oxford, 1976, pp 112-125
and ,41. Numerical Solutionof Two-Dimensional Magnetostatic Problems by Augmented Lagrangian Methods. Comp. Meth. in Appl. Mech. and Eng., to appear. | Zbl
and ,42. On Isoparametric Problems for Domains with Partly known boundaries J.O.T.A., Vol. 20, N° 1, 1976, pp. 65-79. | MR | Zbl
,43. Mémoires sur le Problème d'Analyse Relatif à l'Équilibre des Plaques Élastiques Encastrées ( 908). Oeuvre de J. Hadamard, CN.R.S., Paris 1968. | JFM
44. A review of distributed parameter structural optimization literature in E.J. Haug and J. Cea (eds.). Optimization of Distributed Parameter structures, Vol. I, Sijthoff-Noordhoff, Alphen aan den Rijn, Netherlands, 1981, pp. 3-74. | MR
,45. Design sensivity analysis in structural mechanic l, static responses variations. J. of Struct Mech., 1980, 8(1), pp. 17-41 | MR
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,50. A Practical Method for Determining Green's Functions Using Hadamard's Variational Formula. J. of Opt. Theory and Appl., Vol. 1, N° 1, 1967. | Zbl
and ,51. Localisation d'un Objet de Forme Convexe Donnée. C.R. Acad. ScL, Paris, 1972, pp. 276, 880-852. | Zbl
and ,52. On the Optimal Shape of Fillets in Plates Subjected to Multiple in Plane Loading Cases. Int. J. for Num. Meth. in Engr., Vol. 10, 1976, pp. 1007-1011. | Zbl
and ,53. On the Optimal Control of Distributed Parameter Systems. Techniques of Optimization (Ed. A. Balakrishnan), Academic Press, New-York, 1972. | MR
,54. Sur quelques Questions d'Analyse, de Mécanique et de Contrôle Optimal. Les Presses de l'Université de Montréal, 1976. | MR | Zbl
,55. Optimum Design with Lagrangian Finite Elements. Design of an Electro-Magnet. Comp. Meth. in Appl. Mech. and Eng., Vol. 15, 1978, pp. 217-308.
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and ,61. Utilisationen Analyse Numérique de la Formule de Dérivation d'Hadamard. RAIRO, R-2, 1973, pp. 115-119. | Numdam | MR | Zbl
,62 Une Methode d'Optimisation de Forme de Domaine Proc Congress, IFIP-IRIA, Springer-Verlag, 1974 | Zbl
,63 Optimal Shape Design for Elhptic Systems Springer Series in computational Physics, Springer-Verlag 1984 | Zbl
,64 Sur les Problèmes d Optimisation de Structure en Mécanique des Fluides These de Doctorat, Paris VI, 1976
,65 On Optimum Design in Fluid Mechanics J Fluid Mech , Vol 64, 1974, pp 97-111 | MR | Zbl
,66 Optimum Design with Lagrangian Finite Elements Design of an Electromagnet Comp Math in Appi Mech and Eng, Vol 15, 1978, pp 207-308
,67 Asymptotic Behaviour of Solutions of P D E with Respect to the Domain IRIA Laboria Report N° 218, 1977
and ,68 Problems of Optimal Structural Design J of Appl Mech, 1968, Vol 35, pp 102-106 | Zbl
and ,69 Structural Shape Optimization Using Penalty Functions Struct Mech, Vol 3,N°4, 1975, pp 403-432
and ,70 The Theory of Sound 2nd Ed , Cambridge Umversity Press, 1894-1896
,71 Berstein-Bezier Methods for the Computer-Aided Design of Free-Form Curves and Surfaces Ph D Thesis, Syracuse University, March 1973
,72 Sur les Problèmes de Valeurs Propres C R Acad Sci Paris, Serie A, Vol 283, 1976, p 507 | Zbl
,73 Note on the design Differentiability of the static Response of elastic Structure I struct mech , 10(3), 353-358 (1982-83) | MR
,74 Shape sensitivity of a membrane Jota Vol 40, N° 4, August 1983 | MR
,75 Dependence of Eigenvalues with respect to Shape Optimization of Distributed Parameter Structures (Eds E J Haug and J Cea) Sijthoff and Noordhoff Alphen aan den Rijn, Netherlands, 1981, pp 1235-1364 | Zbl
,76 Problème Inverse de Valeurs Propres Optimization Techniques Springer-Verlag, Lecture Notes in Computer Sciences, Vol 2,N°41, 1976, pp 77-85 | Zbl
,77 These sur la conception optimale déformes Université de Nice, 1982
78 The Stefan Problem A M S , Translations of Mathematical Monographs, Vol 27, Providence, R 1, 1971 | MR | Zbl
,79 Contributions to the Problem of Approximations of Equidistant Data by Analytic Functions J Appl Math , Vol 4, 1946, pp 45-99, 112-141 | Zbl
,80 Problème a Frontière Libre de Type Stefan These, INP Lorraine, Nancy, France, 1978 | MR | Zbl
,81 Eigenfrequencies of an Elliptic Membrane Math of Comp , Vol 27, N° 126, 1973, pp 755-772 | MR | Zbl
and ,82 On the Optimum Shape of a Fillet in a Fiat Bar with Restrictions Proc IUTAM Symposium on Structural Design, Warsaw, Springer-Verlag, New-York, 1973 | Zbl
,83 Approximative Concepts for Numerical Airfoil Optimization NASA Technical Paper N° 1370, 1979
,84 Shape Optimiztion and Sequential Linear Programming Optimum Structural Design (Ed R H Gallagher and O C Zienkiewicz), Wiley, New-York, 1973
and ,85 Identification de Domaine par Déformation These, Université de Nice, 1979
,86 Un résultat d'Existence de Vitesse Convergente C R Acad Sci Paris, Série A, Vol 283, 1976, p 855 | MR | Zbl
,87 Localisation du Support d un Contrôle Optimal C R Acad Sci Paris, Serie A, Vol 284, 1977, p 791 | MR | Zbl
,88 An Optimal Design Procedure for Optimal Control Suppor Lecture Notes in Economical and Mathematical Systems, N° 14, pp 207-233, 1977 | MR | Zbl
,89 The Material Derivative(Or Speed) Methodfor Shape Optimization Optimization of Distnbuted Parameter Structures (Eds E J Haug and J Cea), Sijthoff & Noordhoff, Alphen aan den Rijn, Netherlands, 1981 | MR | Zbl