Table of contents
Problème de Plateau complexe dans les variétés kählériennes
[Complex Plateau problem in Kähler manifolds]
[Complex Plateau problem in Kähler manifolds]
Poids des duaux des codes BCH de distance prescrite et sommes exponentielles
[Weight of duals of BCH codes of designed distance and exponential sums]
[Weight of duals of BCH codes of designed distance and exponential sums]
Opérades différentielles graduées sur les simplexes et les permutoèdres
[Differential graded operads related to simplices and permutohedra]
[Differential graded operads related to simplices and permutohedra]
-matrice universelle pour et invariant d’entrelacs associé
[Universal -matrix for and link invariant arising from it]
[Universal -matrix for and link invariant arising from it]