Radiative Heating of a Glass Plate
MathematicS In Action, Volume 5 (2012) no. 1, pp. 1-30.

This paper aims to prove existence and uniqueness of a solution to the coupling of a nonlinear heat equation with nonlinear boundary conditions with the exact radiative transfer equation, assuming the absorption coefficient κ(λ) to be piecewise constant and null for small values of the wavelength λ as in the paper of N. Siedow, T. Grosan, D. Lochegnies, E. Romero, “Application of a New Method for Radiative Heat Tranfer to Flat Glass Tempering”, J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 88(8):2181-2187 (2005). An important observation is that for a fixed value of the wavelength λ, Planck function is a Lipschitz function with respect to the temperature. Using this fact, we deduce that the solution is at most unique. To prove existence of a solution, we define a fixed point problem related to our initial boundary value problem to which we apply Schauder theorem in a closed convex subset of the Banach separable space L 2 (0,t f ;C([0,l])). We use also Stampacchia truncation method to derive lower and upper bounds on the solution.

Published online:
DOI: 10.5802/msia.6
Classification: 35K20, 35K55, 35K58, 35K90, 35Q20, 35Q60, 35Q80
Keywords: elementary pencil of rays, Planck function, radiative transfer equation, glass plate, nonlinear heat-conduction equation, Stampacchia truncation method, Schauder theorem, Vitali theorem.
Paquet, Luc 1; El Cheikh, Raouf 2; Lochegnies, Dominique 2; Siedow, Norbert 3

1 Univ. Lille Nord de France UVHC-ISTV, LAMAV-EDP FR no 2956, 59313 Valenciennes, France (Author to whom all correspondence should be addressed)
2 Univ. Lille Nord de France UVHC-ISTV, TEMPO, 59313 Valenciennes, France
3 Fraunhofer Institute for Industrial Mathematics, ITWM, 67663 Kaiserlautern, Germany
     author = {Paquet, Luc and El Cheikh, Raouf and Lochegnies, Dominique and Siedow, Norbert},
     title = {Radiative {Heating} of a {Glass} {Plate}},
     journal = {MathematicS In Action},
     pages = {1--30},
     publisher = {Soci\'et\'e de Math\'ematiques Appliqu\'ees et Industrielles},
     volume = {5},
     number = {1},
     year = {2012},
     doi = {10.5802/msia.6},
     mrnumber = {3015737},
     zbl = {1328.35240},
     language = {en},
     url = {http://www.numdam.org/articles/10.5802/msia.6/}
AU  - Paquet, Luc
AU  - El Cheikh, Raouf
AU  - Lochegnies, Dominique
AU  - Siedow, Norbert
TI  - Radiative Heating of a Glass Plate
JO  - MathematicS In Action
PY  - 2012
SP  - 1
EP  - 30
VL  - 5
IS  - 1
PB  - Société de Mathématiques Appliquées et Industrielles
UR  - http://www.numdam.org/articles/10.5802/msia.6/
DO  - 10.5802/msia.6
LA  - en
ID  - MSIA_2012__5_1_1_0
ER  - 
%0 Journal Article
%A Paquet, Luc
%A El Cheikh, Raouf
%A Lochegnies, Dominique
%A Siedow, Norbert
%T Radiative Heating of a Glass Plate
%J MathematicS In Action
%D 2012
%P 1-30
%V 5
%N 1
%I Société de Mathématiques Appliquées et Industrielles
%U http://www.numdam.org/articles/10.5802/msia.6/
%R 10.5802/msia.6
%G en
%F MSIA_2012__5_1_1_0
Paquet, Luc; El Cheikh, Raouf; Lochegnies, Dominique; Siedow, Norbert. Radiative Heating of a Glass Plate. MathematicS In Action, Volume 5 (2012) no. 1, pp. 1-30. doi : 10.5802/msia.6. http://www.numdam.org/articles/10.5802/msia.6/

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