Quasi-isometric invariance of continuous group L p -cohomology, and first applications to vanishings
Annales Henri Lebesgue, Volume 3 (2020), pp. 1291-1326.

We show that the continuous L p -cohomology of locally compact second countable groups is a quasi-isometric invariant. As an application, we prove partial results supporting a positive answer to a question asked by M. Gromov, suggesting a classical behaviour of continuous L p -cohomology of simple real Lie groups. In addition to quasi-isometric invariance, the ingredients are a spectral sequence argument and Pansu’s vanishing results for real hyperbolic spaces. In the best adapted cases of simple Lie groups, we obtain nearly half of the relevant vanishings.

Nous prouvons que la cohomologie L p continue des groupes localement compacts à base dénombrable d’ouverts est un invariant de quasi-isométrie. En guise d’applications, nous obtenons des résultats partiels dans le sens d’une réponse positive à une question posée par M. Gromov, suggérant un comportement classique de la cohomologie L p continue des groupes de Lie réels simples. Outre l’invariance par quasi-isométrie, les ingrédients utilisés sont un argument de suite spectrale et des résultats d’annulation pour les espaces hyperboliques dus à P. Pansu. Dans les cas de groupes de Lie les mieux adaptés, nous obtenons la moitié des annulations attendues.

Published online:
DOI: 10.5802/ahl.61
Classification: 20J05, 20J06, 22E15, 22E41, 53C35, 55B35, 57T10, 57T15
Mots-clés : $L^p$-cohomology, topological group, Lie group, symmetric space, quasi-isometric invariance, spectral sequence, cohomology vanishing, root system
Bourdon, Marc 1; Rémy, Bertrand 2

1 Laboratoire Paul Painlevé, UMR 8524 de CNRS, Université de Lille, Cité Scientifique, Bât. M2, 59655 Villeneuve d’Ascq, (France)
2 CMLS, CNRS, École polytechnique, Institut Polytechnique de Paris, 91128 Palaiseau Cedex, (France)
     author = {Bourdon, Marc and R\'emy, Bertrand},
     title = {Quasi-isometric invariance of continuous group $L^p$-cohomology, and first applications to vanishings},
     journal = {Annales Henri Lebesgue},
     pages = {1291--1326},
     publisher = {\'ENS Rennes},
     volume = {3},
     year = {2020},
     doi = {10.5802/ahl.61},
     language = {en},
     url = {http://www.numdam.org/articles/10.5802/ahl.61/}
AU  - Bourdon, Marc
AU  - Rémy, Bertrand
TI  - Quasi-isometric invariance of continuous group $L^p$-cohomology, and first applications to vanishings
JO  - Annales Henri Lebesgue
PY  - 2020
SP  - 1291
EP  - 1326
VL  - 3
PB  - ÉNS Rennes
UR  - http://www.numdam.org/articles/10.5802/ahl.61/
DO  - 10.5802/ahl.61
LA  - en
ID  - AHL_2020__3__1291_0
ER  - 
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%A Bourdon, Marc
%A Rémy, Bertrand
%T Quasi-isometric invariance of continuous group $L^p$-cohomology, and first applications to vanishings
%J Annales Henri Lebesgue
%D 2020
%P 1291-1326
%V 3
%I ÉNS Rennes
%U http://www.numdam.org/articles/10.5802/ahl.61/
%R 10.5802/ahl.61
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Bourdon, Marc; Rémy, Bertrand. Quasi-isometric invariance of continuous group $L^p$-cohomology, and first applications to vanishings. Annales Henri Lebesgue, Volume 3 (2020), pp. 1291-1326. doi : 10.5802/ahl.61. http://www.numdam.org/articles/10.5802/ahl.61/

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