@article{SPS_2000__34__313_0, author = {Capitaine, Mireille}, title = {On the {Onsager-Machlup} functional for elliptic diffusion processes}, journal = {S\'eminaire de probabilit\'es de Strasbourg}, pages = {313--328}, publisher = {Springer - Lecture Notes in Mathematics}, volume = {34}, year = {2000}, mrnumber = {1768071}, zbl = {0959.60072}, language = {en}, url = {http://www.numdam.org/item/SPS_2000__34__313_0/} }
TY - JOUR AU - Capitaine, Mireille TI - On the Onsager-Machlup functional for elliptic diffusion processes JO - Séminaire de probabilités de Strasbourg PY - 2000 SP - 313 EP - 328 VL - 34 PB - Springer - Lecture Notes in Mathematics UR - http://www.numdam.org/item/SPS_2000__34__313_0/ LA - en ID - SPS_2000__34__313_0 ER -
%0 Journal Article %A Capitaine, Mireille %T On the Onsager-Machlup functional for elliptic diffusion processes %J Séminaire de probabilités de Strasbourg %D 2000 %P 313-328 %V 34 %I Springer - Lecture Notes in Mathematics %U http://www.numdam.org/item/SPS_2000__34__313_0/ %G en %F SPS_2000__34__313_0
Capitaine, Mireille. On the Onsager-Machlup functional for elliptic diffusion processes. Séminaire de probabilités de Strasbourg, Volume 34 (2000), pp. 313-328. http://www.numdam.org/item/SPS_2000__34__313_0/
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