@article{ASENS_1997_4_30_3_367_0, author = {Nollet, Scott}, title = {The {Hilbert} schemes of degree three curves}, journal = {Annales scientifiques de l'\'Ecole Normale Sup\'erieure}, pages = {367--384}, publisher = {Elsevier}, volume = {Ser. 4, 30}, number = {3}, year = {1997}, doi = {10.1016/s0012-9593(97)89925-9}, mrnumber = {99a:14003}, zbl = {0892.14004}, language = {en}, url = {http://www.numdam.org/articles/10.1016/s0012-9593(97)89925-9/} }
TY - JOUR AU - Nollet, Scott TI - The Hilbert schemes of degree three curves JO - Annales scientifiques de l'École Normale Supérieure PY - 1997 SP - 367 EP - 384 VL - 30 IS - 3 PB - Elsevier UR - http://www.numdam.org/articles/10.1016/s0012-9593(97)89925-9/ DO - 10.1016/s0012-9593(97)89925-9 LA - en ID - ASENS_1997_4_30_3_367_0 ER -
%0 Journal Article %A Nollet, Scott %T The Hilbert schemes of degree three curves %J Annales scientifiques de l'École Normale Supérieure %D 1997 %P 367-384 %V 30 %N 3 %I Elsevier %U http://www.numdam.org/articles/10.1016/s0012-9593(97)89925-9/ %R 10.1016/s0012-9593(97)89925-9 %G en %F ASENS_1997_4_30_3_367_0
Nollet, Scott. The Hilbert schemes of degree three curves. Annales scientifiques de l'École Normale Supérieure, Serie 4, Volume 30 (1997) no. 3, pp. 367-384. doi : 10.1016/s0012-9593(97)89925-9. http://www.numdam.org/articles/10.1016/s0012-9593(97)89925-9/
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