@incollection{AST_1994__226__57_0, author = {B\"okstedt, M. and Madsen, I.}, title = {Topological cyclic homology of the integers}, booktitle = {$K$-theory - Strasbourg, 1992}, series = {Ast\'erisque}, pages = {57--143}, publisher = {Soci\'et\'e math\'ematique de France}, number = {226}, year = {1994}, mrnumber = {1317117}, zbl = {0816.19001}, language = {en}, url = {http://www.numdam.org/item/AST_1994__226__57_0/} }
TY - CHAP AU - Bökstedt, M. AU - Madsen, I. TI - Topological cyclic homology of the integers BT - $K$-theory - Strasbourg, 1992 AU - Collectif T3 - Astérisque PY - 1994 SP - 57 EP - 143 IS - 226 PB - Société mathématique de France UR - http://www.numdam.org/item/AST_1994__226__57_0/ LA - en ID - AST_1994__226__57_0 ER -
Bökstedt, M.; Madsen, I. Topological cyclic homology of the integers, in $K$-theory - Strasbourg, 1992, Astérisque, no. 226 (1994), pp. 57-143. http://www.numdam.org/item/AST_1994__226__57_0/
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