Lecture notes
Lecture notes
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ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis
Volume 23 (1989)
Issue no. 1
Table of Contents
On the simulation of incompressible, miscible displacement in a naturally fractured petroleum reservoir
Arbogast, Todd
p. 5-51
Some remarks on the optimal design of periodically reinforced structures
Aze, Dominique
Buttazzo, Giuseppe
p. 53-61
Efficient FORTRAN implementation of the gaussian elimination and Householder reduction algorithms on the IBM 3090 vector multiprocessor
Carnevali, P.
Radicati, G.
Robert, Y.
Sguazzero, P.
p. 63-86
Asymptotics of the scattering frequencies for a thermoelasticity problem with small thermal conductivity
Codegone, Marco
Sanchez-Palencia, Enrique
p. 87-101
Sharp maximum norm error estimates for general mixed finite element approximations to second order elliptic equations
Gastaldi, Lucia
Nochetto, Ricardo H.
p. 103-128
On the approximation of the spectrum of the Stokes operator
Geveci, Tunc
Reddy, B. Daya
Pearce, Howard T.
p. 129-136
Sur les états d'équilibre pour les densités électroniques dans les plasmas
Gogny, D.
Lions, P. L.
p. 137-153
Un problème inverse en formage des métaux liquides
Henrot, Antoine
Pierre, Michel
p. 155-177
Everted equilibria of a spherical cap : a singular perturbation method
Schiaffino, Andréa
Valente, Vanda
p. 179-187
Issue no. 2
Table of Contents
Stability of schemes for the numerical treatment of an equation modelling fluidized beds
Abia, L.
Christie, I.
Sanz-Serna, J. M.
p. 191-204
Homogenization of the Stokes system in a thin film flow with rapidly varying thickness
Bayada, Guy
Chambat, Michèle
p. 205-234
Calcul des courants induits et des forces électromagnétiques dans un système de conducteurs mobiles
Bossavit, A.
p. 235-259
On a class of implicit and explicit schemes of Van-Leer type for scalar conservation laws
Chalabi, A.
Vila, J. P.
p. 261-282
On a free boundary problem associated with combustion and solidification
Frankel, M. L.
p. 283-291
A finite element approximation of three dimensional motion of a Bingham fluid
Kim, Jong Uhn
p. 293-333
Numerical approximation of the Preisach model for hysteresis
Verdi, C.
Visintin, A.
p. 335-356
Issue no. 3
Table of Contents
Attractors, Inertial Manifolds and their Approximation. Proceedings of the Marseille-Luminy... 1987
Saut, J. C.
Temam, R.
p. 357
Attractor for a Navier-Stokes flow in an unbounded domain
Abergel, F.
p. 359-370
Turbulence en convection de Rayleigh-Bénard : du chaos temporel aux effets spatiaux
Bergé, P.
p. 371-377
Asymptotic behaviour of strongly damped nonlinear hyperbolic equations
Biler, Piotr
p. 379-384
Une forme de turbulence associée aux défauts topologiques
Coullet, P.
Gil, L.
Lega, J.
p. 385-394
Time-discretization and inertial manifolds
Demengel, F.
Ghidaglia, J. M.
p. 395-404
Local Lyapunov exponents and a local estimate of Hausdorff dimension
Eden, Alp
p. 405-413
Discrete Ljapunov functionals and
-limit sets
Fiedler, Bernold
p. 415-431
Explicit upper and lower bounds on the number of degrees of freedom for damped and driven cubic Schrödinger equations
Ghidaglia, J. M.
p. 433-443
Approximation theories for inertial manifolds
Luskin, Mitchell
Sell, George R.
p. 445-461
Approximate inertial manifolds for the pattern formation Cahn-Hilliard equation
Marion, Martine
p. 463-488
Inertial manifolds of damped semilinear wave equations
Mora, Xavier
Solà-Morales, Joan
p. 489-505
Nonequilibrium reaction-diffusion structures in rigid and visco-elastic media : knots and unstable noninertial flows
Ortoleva, Peter J.
p. 507-517
Continuity of attractors
Raugel, Geneviève
p. 519-533
Remarks on the uniqueness of radial solutions
Smoller, J.
Wasserman, A.
p. 535-540
Induced trajectories and approximate inertial manifolds
Temam, Roger
p. 541-561
Issue no. 4
Table of Contents
The local projection
-discontinuous-Galerkin finite element method for scalar conservation laws
Chavent, Guy
Cockburn, Bernardo
p. 565-592
Une note sur les méthodes de caractéristiques et de Lesaint-Raviart pour les problèmes hyperboliques stationnaires
Fortin, Michel
Fortin, André
p. 593-596
The convergence of a Galerkin approximation scheme for an extensible beam
Geveci, Tunc
Christie, Ian
p. 597-613
On the optimal design of elastic shafts
Gonzalez de Paz, Raul B.
p. 615-625
A nonconforming finite element method of upstream type applied to the stationary Navier-Stokes equation
Schieweck, F.
Tobiska, L.
p. 627-647
Compatibilité des espaces discrets pour l'approximation spectrale du problème de Stokes périodique/non périodique
Vandeven, Hervé
p. 649-688