Principes de Phragmèn-Lindelöf
Séminaire Schwartz, Unicité du problème de Cauchy. Division des distributions, Volume 4 (1959-1960), Talk no. 17, 6 p.
     author = {Zerner, Martin},
     title = {Principes de {Phragm\`en-Lindel\"of}},
     journal = {S\'eminaire Schwartz},
     note = {talk:17},
     pages = {1--6},
     publisher = {Secr\'etariat math\'ematique},
     volume = {4},
     year = {1959-1960},
     language = {fr},
     url = {}
AU  - Zerner, Martin
TI  - Principes de Phragmèn-Lindelöf
JO  - Séminaire Schwartz
N1  - talk:17
PY  - 1959-1960
SP  - 1
EP  - 6
VL  - 4
PB  - Secrétariat mathématique
UR  -
LA  - fr
ID  - SLS_1959-1960__4__A17_0
ER  - 
%0 Journal Article
%A Zerner, Martin
%T Principes de Phragmèn-Lindelöf
%J Séminaire Schwartz
%Z talk:17
%D 1959-1960
%P 1-6
%V 4
%I Secrétariat mathématique
%G fr
%F SLS_1959-1960__4__A17_0
Zerner, Martin. Principes de Phragmèn-Lindelöf. Séminaire Schwartz, Unicité du problème de Cauchy. Division des distributions, Volume 4 (1959-1960), Talk no. 17, 6 p.

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[3] Landis (E.M.). - Nekotorye voprosy kačestvennoj teorii ellipticěskikh i paraboličeskikh uravnenij, Uspehki Mat. Nauk, N. S., t. 14, 1959, p. 21-85. | Zbl

[4] Lax (Peter D.). - A Phragmen-Lindelöf theorem in harmonic analysis and its application to some questions in the theory of elliptic equations, J. of Math. pure and appl., t. 10, 1957, p. 361-389. | MR | Zbl