List of citations in Numdam for : Palindromic complexity of infinite words associated with simple Parry numbers

Annales de l'Institut Fourier, Volume 56 (2006) no. 7, pp. 2131-2160.

RAIRO - Theoretical Informatics and Applications - Informatique Théorique et Applications, Volume 44 (2010) no. 4, pp. 443-470.

RAIRO - Theoretical Informatics and Applications - Informatique Théorique et Applications, Volume 43 (2009) no. 3, pp. 403-442.

RAIRO - Theoretical Informatics and Applications - Informatique Théorique et Applications, Volume 43 (2009) no. 1, pp. 145-163.

RAIRO - Theoretical Informatics and Applications - Informatique Théorique et Applications, Volume 42 (2008) no. 4, pp. 663-678.

RAIRO - Theoretical Informatics and Applications - Informatique Théorique et Applications, Volume 41 (2007) no. 3, pp. 307-328.