Dynamic frictional contact of a viscoelastic beam
ESAIM: Modélisation mathématique et analyse numérique, Volume 40 (2006) no. 2, pp. 295-310.

In this paper, we study the dynamic frictional contact of a viscoelastic beam with a deformable obstacle. The beam is assumed to be situated horizontally and to move, in both horizontal and tangential directions, by the effect of applied forces. The left end of the beam is clamped and the right one is free. Its horizontal displacement is constrained because of the presence of a deformable obstacle, the so-called foundation, which is modelled by a normal compliance contact condition. The effect of the friction is included in the vertical motion of the free end, by using Tresca's law or Coulomb's law. In both cases, the variational formulation leads to a nonlinear variational equation for the horizontal displacement coupled with a nonlinear variational inequality for the vertical displacement. We recall an existence and uniqueness result. Then, by using the finite element method to approximate the spatial variable and an Euler scheme to discretize the time derivatives, a numerical scheme is proposed. Error estimates on the approximative solutions are derived. Numerical results demonstrate the application of the proposed algorithm.

DOI: 10.1051/m2an:2006019
Classification: 65N15, 65N30, 74D05, 74M10, 74M15, 74S05, 74S20
Mots-clés : dynamic unilateral contact, friction, viscoelastic beam, error estimates, numerical simulations
Campo, Marco ; Fernández, José R. ; Stavroulakis, Georgios E. 1; Viaño, Juan M. 

1 Department of Production Engineering and Management, Technical University of Crete, 73100 Chania, Greece
     author = {Campo, Marco and Fern\'andez, Jos\'e R. and Stavroulakis, Georgios E. and Via\~no, Juan M.},
     title = {Dynamic frictional contact of a viscoelastic beam},
     journal = {ESAIM: Mod\'elisation math\'ematique et analyse num\'erique},
     pages = {295--310},
     publisher = {EDP-Sciences},
     volume = {40},
     number = {2},
     year = {2006},
     doi = {10.1051/m2an:2006019},
     mrnumber = {2241824},
     zbl = {1137.74409},
     language = {en},
     url = {http://www.numdam.org/articles/10.1051/m2an:2006019/}
AU  - Campo, Marco
AU  - Fernández, José R.
AU  - Stavroulakis, Georgios E.
AU  - Viaño, Juan M.
TI  - Dynamic frictional contact of a viscoelastic beam
JO  - ESAIM: Modélisation mathématique et analyse numérique
PY  - 2006
SP  - 295
EP  - 310
VL  - 40
IS  - 2
PB  - EDP-Sciences
UR  - http://www.numdam.org/articles/10.1051/m2an:2006019/
DO  - 10.1051/m2an:2006019
LA  - en
ID  - M2AN_2006__40_2_295_0
ER  - 
%0 Journal Article
%A Campo, Marco
%A Fernández, José R.
%A Stavroulakis, Georgios E.
%A Viaño, Juan M.
%T Dynamic frictional contact of a viscoelastic beam
%J ESAIM: Modélisation mathématique et analyse numérique
%D 2006
%P 295-310
%V 40
%N 2
%I EDP-Sciences
%U http://www.numdam.org/articles/10.1051/m2an:2006019/
%R 10.1051/m2an:2006019
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%F M2AN_2006__40_2_295_0
Campo, Marco; Fernández, José R.; Stavroulakis, Georgios E.; Viaño, Juan M. Dynamic frictional contact of a viscoelastic beam. ESAIM: Modélisation mathématique et analyse numérique, Volume 40 (2006) no. 2, pp. 295-310. doi : 10.1051/m2an:2006019. http://www.numdam.org/articles/10.1051/m2an:2006019/

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