In this work, we propose a general framework for the construction of pressure law for phase transition. These equations of state are particularly suitable for a use in a relaxation finite volume scheme. The approach is based on a constrained convex optimization problem on the mixture entropy. It is valid for both miscible and immiscible mixtures. We also propose a rough pressure law for modelling a super-critical fluid.
Mots-clés : finite volume, entropy optimization, relaxation, phase transition, reactive flows, critical point
@article{M2AN_2006__40_2_331_0, author = {Helluy, Philippe and Seguin, Nicolas}, title = {Relaxation models of phase transition flows}, journal = {ESAIM: Mod\'elisation math\'ematique et analyse num\'erique}, pages = {331--352}, publisher = {EDP-Sciences}, volume = {40}, number = {2}, year = {2006}, doi = {10.1051/m2an:2006015}, mrnumber = {2241826}, zbl = {1108.76078}, language = {en}, url = {} }
TY - JOUR AU - Helluy, Philippe AU - Seguin, Nicolas TI - Relaxation models of phase transition flows JO - ESAIM: Modélisation mathématique et analyse numérique PY - 2006 SP - 331 EP - 352 VL - 40 IS - 2 PB - EDP-Sciences UR - DO - 10.1051/m2an:2006015 LA - en ID - M2AN_2006__40_2_331_0 ER -
%0 Journal Article %A Helluy, Philippe %A Seguin, Nicolas %T Relaxation models of phase transition flows %J ESAIM: Modélisation mathématique et analyse numérique %D 2006 %P 331-352 %V 40 %N 2 %I EDP-Sciences %U %R 10.1051/m2an:2006015 %G en %F M2AN_2006__40_2_331_0
Helluy, Philippe; Seguin, Nicolas. Relaxation models of phase transition flows. ESAIM: Modélisation mathématique et analyse numérique, Volume 40 (2006) no. 2, pp. 331-352. doi : 10.1051/m2an:2006015.
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